понедельник, 4 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Work №3

1. There are many reasons that children stay away from school. First of all, they have a great influence from their "bad" friends. Due to the fact, that parents don't pay enough attention to their child, he begins to imitate the behavior of children on the street. Unfortunately, it is often has a negative impact on his schooling, and in general children cease to prepare homework and truant. 

2. 1. c
    2. c
    3. a
    4. a
    5. a
    6. c
    7. b

3. The most effective things in combating truancy are the emergence of the more interesting lessons, more strict upbringing and teaching to respect school. Сhildren will be interested in class if the teacher will present his subject in proper way. Every teacher must explain that school is a second home for children and they must respect it. And in conclusion, the parents must control their children, their schooling.

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